Matching Greenery for work-station planters...

Matching Greenery for work-station planters...

Modern office with built-in planter boxes on work-stations & overhead cupboards wanted low maintenance, no-mess plant solution

-Client wanted convenience of artificials but wanted it to look 'right

-they asked us for ideas & costings

-we presented some options, eventually choosing a nice mixture of slightly taller ferns, contrasted by lower variagated Pepperonia bushes. The variagation also stood out well against black planters

-this combination was used on all work-station  & overhead planters, adding continuity & suiting modern office decor...

Contact Details

Address: 4 / 117 Ashmore Rd, Benowa QLD , Australia 4217


Google Maps: See our location online.

Toll Free: +61755278955

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