The following is a list of the changes applied to this website

Date Change Details
4 July 2023 System template Updated System email template to replace outdated and incorrect old template

Content templatesUpdated all templates to correctly reference the global tag includes and snippets dispensing with the old /_System/Includes/
2nd June 2023 Zoho SalesIQ These scripts inserted into new snippet "Scripts for end of BODY". This snippet then added at bottom of the <body> element in all actively used templates

Zoho PageSense Added <head> script into the include file "/_System/Includes/head path"
I found that I had to use the Asynchronous snippet script code as the Synchronous snippet caused a problem with the switching of the product primary image, the zoom feature and the menus.
May 2023

Set up Google tracking 
This is set up under instruction from VMA in addition to any existing GTM calls from Omar - see below

For Global Google and Zoho SalesIQ and PageSense tracking insert the following code within the template of those pages we want to enable such tracking.

For pages where we are tracking specific events such as checkout and forms we additionally insert the specific scripts into the SEO tab of thos e rspective pages 

At bottom of  <head> insert

At top of <body> insert after {% component type: "snippet", alias: "_template_-_header_2022" %}

At the end of <body> insert